On June 8, 2022, West Haven Police Department partnered with Connecticut's Liquor Control Division to conduct an alcohol compliance check. The West Haven Prevention Council would like to recognize the establishments that have passed the recent alcohol compliance check and doing their part by not providing alcohol to individuals under the age of 21. Those that have passed will be receiving an appreciation certificate for their participation.
The list of stores that have passed are as follows: 1. Oceanview Fine Wine & Spirits 2. Sid's Package Store 3. Liquor King 4. Morrisey's Package Store 5. Krauszers Food Stores 6. Saw Mill Package Store 7. York Street Market 8. Campbell Deli & Grocery 9. Campbell Package Store 10. Wine & Liquor 11. Park Liquor Store
12. Mut's Package Store
13. Sunny's Liquor
14. West Haven Discount Liquor
The objective of the West Haven Prevention Council is partner with local organizations, agencies, individuals, schools and the police department to provide prevention education and resources to youth, parents and local community members about the risks associated with substance use (alcohol, tobacco/vaping, marijuana and prescription medication) as well as mental health. To learn more about the West Haven Prevention Council visit www.PreventionWestHaven.org.