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Uso indebido de recetas
Use los medicamentos según las indicaciones, ¡siempre!
Es imperativo usar siempre la medicación según las indicaciones de su médico. El uso indebido de medicamentos recetados puede tener graves consecuencias médicas. Los aumentos en el uso indebido de medicamentos recetados en los últimos 15 años se reflejan en un aumento de las visitas a la sala de emergencias, las muertes por sobredosis asociadas con los medicamentos recetados y las admisiones a tratamiento por trastornos relacionados con el uso de medicamentos recetados, cuya forma más grave es la adicción.
Las tres clases de medicamentos que se abusan con mayor frecuencia son:
Opioides: generalmente recetados para tratar el dolor
Depresores del sistema nervioso central: se usan para tratar la ansiedad y los trastornos del sueño (incluye tranquilizantes, sedantes e hipnóticos)
Estimulantes: recetados con mayor frecuencia para tratar el trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH)
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Teen Gambling
Problem gambling is becoming an increasingly pervasive issue, particularly amongst adolescents. Fueled by the rapid development of online sports betting platforms, such as DraftKings and FanDuel, youth now have much easier access to gambling activities. While traditional, in-person gambling requires individuals to be 21, online betting is available for those as young as 18. Additionally, many platforms implement minimal age safeguards and verifications, allowing users under 18 to engage in gambling with little to no ramifications. According to the National Council on Problem Gambling, “children and teens are at higher risk than adults for developing a gambling problem” and “ individuals who start gambling at a young age are also more likely to develop a gambling addiction later in life.” Given these risks, it is critical that our community is adequately educated about online gambling and its impact on our youth. Online gambling takes many forms, including casino games like poker and bingo. That said, the most notable and fastest-growing form of online gambling is currently sports betting. Sports betting is on the rise in the United States, with an American Gaming Association survey reporting that 75% of Americans support legal sports wagering in their home state, while 90% view sports betting as an acceptable form of entertainment. Sports betting involves wagering on sports events, ranging from simple bets on a team winning, to more specific bets like on the performance of an individual athlete. This year, the American Gaming Association is estimating that Americans are expected to wager $1.39 billion legally on Super Bowl LIX (American Gaming Association). According to a January 2024 report on the impacts of legalized gambling in Connecticut, prepared for the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS), an estimated 51,859 people in Connecticut have gambling problems, and an additional 138,960 are considered “at risk” for gambling problems. These numbers align with statistics on gambling prevalence amongst adolescents: in 2017, 18.6% of adolescents reported gambling, a number that increased to 25.4% in 2019, and is expected to increase further in the next few years. Additionally, according to the CT Council on Problem Gambling, teens who gamble are three times more likely to drink alcohol, four times more likely to smoke cigarettes, twice as likely to use illegal drugs, twice as likely to be in a fight, and four times more likely to get in trouble with the police. Because of these striking statistics, it is imperative to know where to turn if you or someone you know is struggling with an online gambling addiction. Fortunately, there are several resources available to provide support. The SAMHSA National Helpline offers 24/7, free, confidential support at In Connecticut, the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) offers a confidential, 24/7 Problem Gambling Helpline at (888-789-7777)- more information can be found at Lastly, the Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling offers a whole host of resources, and can be found at If gambling is affecting your mental health, reaching out to a trusted individual, or seeking professional counseling, can be an important first step. For more information regarding problem gambling, please visit